Middle School Student Council Fundraiser

The recent fundraiser the Middle School Student Council initiated to raise money for the Aidshilfe Leipzig was the first big event, entirely organised by Grades 6-8 student council members.  

The project began with two student crafting dozens of red ribbons to be sold in pastoral lessons for 1 Euro.

This led up to an event at the school on Thursday 13 February 2020. There was a movie screening followed by some dancing and the small entrance fee included food and drinks. The students designed posters, informed their fellow students, planned the whole event themselves including the catering, set up and clean up.

As a result of their efforts they were able to raise over 180€ which they handed over to Linda Apsel, a social worker from the Aidshilfe Leipzig Organisation.

We are always proud of our students when they display positive leadership skills and collective initiatives. We are even prouder when they work towards achieving a goal that has a positive social impact. Well done Middle School Student Council.

The Student Council is really working hard this year with not just a new StuCo Instagram but also successful events and projects including redecorating the IB study room and the recent fundraiser the Middle School Student Council initiated to raise money for the Aidshilfe Leipzig.

The project began with two student crafting dozens of red ribbons to be sold in pastoral lessons for 1 Euro.

This led up to an event at the school that the students planned themselves. There was a movie screening followed by some dancing and the small entrance fee included food and drinks. The students designed posters, informed their fellow students, planned the whole event including the catering, set up and clean up.

As a result of their efforts they were able to raise over 180€ which they handed over to Linda Apsel, a social worker from the Aidshilfe Organisation.

We are always proud of our students when they display positive leadership skills and collective initiatives. We are even prouder when they work towards achieving a goal that has a positive social impact. Well done Middle School Student Council.

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