People in the city. Persons in a masks. Coronavirus theme. Friends walks during quarantine.

Safety and Hygiene at LIS

On Monday, we will open our doors once again for learning for select classes. Our diligent facilities team has gone above and beyond in upgrading the school to ensure maximum health and safety for our returning staff and students.

They have used this student-free time to deep clean and up date the school’s hygiene services.
Every classroom was thoroughly scrubbed down and daily cleaning of classrooms will now extend to disinfecting all student desks and door handles.

Disinfection dispensers were installed at sixteen locations throughout the school and new contact-less dispensers will be installed at the end of May. (Due to a heavy demand on these products we are facing a long delivery time.)

Hand sanitizer will be distributed to every classroom as well as disinfection spray for the desks. Students will be instructed to sanitize their desks before leaving a room. Every class with a sink has soap and paper towels for washing hands, as well as every bathroom of course.

Students are required to supply masks for their private use. Teachers’ masks will be supplied by the school, with 20 masks going to each teacher for personal use. Specially designated bins are marked for mask disposal.

Follow this link to a useful video from our school nurse on the correct wearing of masks and tips on what to look for if buying a reusable mark.

Notifications have been posted throughout the school building illustrating correct and effective personal hygiene to avoid contagion of any kind.

Students will be distributed throughout the school building so as not to have too many students in one classroom. We will remind students to keep their distance and avoid gatherings and groups. After lessons, students are required to leave the school premises immediately. Seating plans will be drawn up by class teachers so that distance is kept between students. We are required to have these seating plans documented for submission to the authorities if necessary.

At present we have used tape barriers and floor marking to indicate correct directional use of corridors and bathrooms. This will help students and staff remember to keep a safe distance and avoid unnecessary contact.

Ventilation of classrooms is required after each lesson and our automatic windows are programmed for night time ventilation.

Sadly, no events for assemblies are allowed until the end of August (this date is subject to change according to recommendations and regulations from the local and state authorities) but this will not stop us rejoicing at the return of our students and the commencement of lessons.

We are very grateful to have the resources and a team that can adapt the school to these new requirements quickly and efficiently. It is with great joy that we open our doors to those students who are returning to school this coming week!

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