Sign Up to our LIS City Cycle Team

The LEIPZIG INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL TEAM is taking part in the annual CITY CYCLING competition this year!!

From September 10th to 30th 2021 we will be pedaling together in the nationwide competition for more climate protection and safe cycling.
All LIS community members can collect bike kilometers for our team and our city on their daily routes for three weeks.

Participation is simple.
Following this link: CITY CYCLING – Register ( Select your language and enter your municipality. To take part with the LIS Team you will need to select Leipzig.

Then select “Join an exisiting team” and search for “Leipzig International School”.

Either register anew or reactivate your account if you have participated in CITY CYCLING before.

Confirm your account via your email address and you can then access the TEAM account. Once the competition starts on 10th September you can enter every kilometre you cover by bike during the 20-day campaign period online in your cycle log or track your routes directly via the CITY CYCLING app.

You can create sub-teams and add members so your log counts for your whole family or you can also just participate as an individual in our LIS TEAM.

This is a great opportunity to make our bike friendly community visible and use those kilometers we cycle everyday for a good cause.

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