As part of their unit on Treasures, the Grade 2 class has been looking at Art as a treasure and as a source of historical information. In the last few weeks they have engaged with different artists including Picasso and compared his work with local artist, Michael Fischer.
On the field trip today they stopped at the Fischer mural opposite the train station on their way to the Museum der bildenden Künste to see in person what they had been looking at on paper in class. The impact of seeing something so enormous after having seen it so small in a book was not lost on them.

After a snack at the museum itself they were divided into groups and asked to select a portrait or depiction of a human in one of the rooms and sketch it in their sketch books. Seeing kids react to art from different time periods in and in vastly different scales is always fascinating. Giving them time to engage deeply with one particular style and format is even more fascinating. This was not an art lesson, they did not have to manage great detail or accuracy but rather be able to guage the broad form of what they were looking at.
Some started hesitantly, unsure that they could do justice to the photo realistic images they had in front of them or the nuance that a sculpture seemed to capture, others launched right into the task with big sweeps of their pencils and others still, deliberated for ages about the curve of a leg or the angle of a head.
When they were done with up to two portraits of their own, they were allowed to wonder the museum with an adult and look in other rooms. A video installation in the entrance was of particular interest.
After packing bags and snacks and jacket, everyone was led to the trams and made their way back to school for lunch.
If you have the chance this evening, be sure to ask your Grade 2’s about their trip and their impressions of the art they saw. It is bound to be interesting.
Thanks to all the parents who helped out today.