St Martin’s Family Walk 2019

This year our EY children had the pleasure of walking along Karl-Heine canal while our little ones in Nursery enjoyed their walk around the big garden with their families and educators.

Ms Dana leading the music

It has been a great event for the whole community – many families came along to celebrate. All children brought their own lovely lanterns which they made themselves at the kindergarten before. We thank all the teachers, educators and parents who helped at the event; and a big thank you goes out to our wonderful music teacher Ms Dana and the band of educators. Without the support of you all the whole event would hardly be possible.
The Lantern Walks commemorates Martinmas, as it is more commonly known in Europe, in honour of St. Martin, whose story reminds us all of our shared humanity. We thank you all for joining our St Martin’s Family Walk at LIK this year!

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