Times of uncertainty have also been times of great creativity. It is a well known cliche that artists and musicians produce their best work in times of personal upheaval. Similarly, the horrors of war have given some of our most famous writers voices and seen some of the most important works produced. Did you know Shakespeare wrote King Lear, Anthony and Cleopatra and Macbeth while theaters were closed due to a wave of plague that was moving through London? These are works of great introspection and tragedy and had Shakespeare not been forced to step away from the demands of production, we may never have seen the Danish prince take to the stage with a skull in his hands asking whether to be or not to be.
In our time we have seen people reach across the rupture this crisis has caused in our lives to create a sense of community through shared art and music. Whether it is Italians singing together on their balconies or children putting rainbows in their windows to let other children know there are others who are also staying home, we find ways to communicate our shared experience through creativity.
Art is a great way for children to express complex emotions and ideas, often before they can do so verbally. It is also a wonderful way to process stress and anxiety, which at the moment may be increased through change in routines, less physical activity, limited social variety or family tensions. Giving children ample opportunity to delve into their creative side with varied mediums and materials benefits them emotionally, socially and cognitively. As parents, if we are familiar with our children’s works and recurring motifs it may be interesting to see how their self expression has changed, if at all, since we have been at home so much. Have you considered taking up the paint brush yourself? It is an especially stressful time for many parents and drawing something yourself is just as beneficial to us as to our children.
We have asked our primary students to share some of what they are doing at home with us and have received a spectrum of art works. Thank you LIS primary (and LIK syblings) for your submissions. Keep them coming and we will continue to update this page with your masterpieces.

Thea drew plants she had gathered… … and William drew a Cardinal Beetle (Feuerkäfer)

Dael sent us these lovely Easter eggs… ..along with a glittering self-portrait.

Thank you all so much for sending in your art works. Keeping busy and looking after our mental as well as physical health is more important that ever. It’s wonderful to see how you are expressing yourselves in so many different ways. If you would like to submit your art work as your parents to mail it to helena.putsch@lis.school.
Stay home, stay healthy and stay positive!