Before introducing our project, we’re going to give you a short overview about what the organization we work for stands for. Lumos Stark für Kids is a social organization that offers a variety of experiences to children who can’t always enjoy many of the things we take for granted as part of childhood, due to their parents living in difficult circumstances. Therefore, the aim of the organization is to promote the social integration of these kids, which they do by creating different types of projects that help these children to get to know the world better. Furthermore, the organization has connections to orphanages all around Leipzig, hence they can offer these wonderful opportunities to a larger range of children.
Due to the fact that we both support the idea that every kid should have the opportunity to discover today’s society, we decided to become members of this organization. We agreed that our CAS project’s aim was going to offer a unique experience to these kids, which they’ll never forget and at the same time also enrich their souls. Wherefore, thanks to our school’s Art department, we decided to give them the chance to draw their own personal pendulum painting, which are displayed as an online exhibition. Another part of the activity was that they had to choose a particular colour/s that described or had a special meaning to them. Sadly, due to the Covid-19 restrictions we had to keep social distance and moved the location to the park. This perfectly aligned with one of the aims of our project, which was to responsibly use nature. In fact, as you are going to see in many of the paintings, the kids decided to use leaves, rocks and sticks to add more depth to their paintings.
In conclusion, this project didn’t only help bring a bit of happiness to the children, but opened our eyes in a different way. We got to understand how simple it is to make someone else happy, teaching us how important it is to care for others, specifically young kids, who one day will contribute to further developing our society. On a final note, we want to once more thank the LIS Art department and Lumos Stark für Kids for making this project happen, as it’s something we’ll never forget.