Celebrating Student Learning in Lower Primary

A Peek into Grade 1

After following Paddington the Bear’s journey around the world, it was time for Paddington to visit Leipzig! Our first graders have been busy working on their diary entries about Paddington’s visit to Leipzig.

They composed their very own creative diary entry and wrote up little stories. The adventures Paddington shares in Leipzig are simply enchanting. Among other fantastic things, he also gets to eat a variety of favourite breakfasts, including German pretzels, of course!

Students also take a moment to reflect on their writing journey throughout the first term. The pictures below show two samples from the beginning of the school year and now. We are so proud of the great writers they are becoming!

Having Fun Learning about the Rain Forest in Grade 2

Our grade 2 students are currently learning many interesting things about the rain forest. Our framework for learning is structured in taking the students’ questions and previous knowledge of the topic as a starting point. This guided inquiry approach allows all students to share their previous knowledge, share their wondering and provide the class with a space to revisit as they learn more about the topic.

Below is a sample of some of the initial questions asked by the students.

Our primary teachers had a professional training on ‘making thinking visible’ and chose a new thinking strategy for their current rain forest unit. The students reflected on what they hear, see and feel in each rain forest layer and collected their ideas in the charts below.

As part of their presentation on the topic, students have now researched rain forest plants in groups and designed their plants as part of their presentations. In addition to research and presentation skills, the creative process was divided into several design phases and the students planned the activity together, including the materials and steps needed for a successful project.

This project provides students with an additional opportunity to collaborate and work in teams while engaging their social-emotional skills, which we are particularly focusing on now.

Primary School Principal

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