Proud House Day August 2019

Proud House Day is a chance for the four LIS houses to compete for the house cup.
Last Friday points were awarded for wearing house colours, showing team spirit and participating in the day’s activities. 💙 💚 💛 ❤️

Air House

The kids had tons of fun dressing up, leading their house chants and cheering each other on. The house cup was awarded to the Fire House (Red) Captain and Assistant House Captain by Mr. Belfield in the weekly assembly.

Water House

Other awards were given to the house who excelled in the following:
Dressing Up – Water
Proud House Photo – Earth
Posing House – Earth
Proud Dancing – Air
Classroom Competitions – Fire

Fire House

Thanks to all the parents who came out and supported their kids in house colours and the staff who went all out with fun dress up.

Earth House

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