In Grade 2 all students take part in swimming lessons during their physical education lesson. This is part of the compulsory German curriculum for all Grade 2 children.

The aim of these lessons is to make sure that all children are trained to be safe swimmers who know how to handle them selves in and around the pool.

To accommodate all levels the children are divided into the swimmer or beginner group and each group is taught according to their ability.

Today the non-swimmer group was practicing their breast stroke with different equipment as needed while the swimmers were trying new jumps and dives and practicing their back stroke. It is of course paramount that the children have fun and that everything is learnt playfully.

By the end of the course all Grade 2 children should be able to jump from the edge of the pool into the water as well as swim 25m. They should also be able to dive and retrieve an object from the floor of the pool in shoulder deep water and grasp the rules of swimming and safe behavior around water.

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