Student Support Services: Statement of Principles


All students deserve the opportunity to become and remain healthy, confident and caring risk-takers, fulfilling their potential, as they progress along a path of life-long learning. We understand that children and young people are individuals, with different strengths and needs. We understand that physical, personal, social and emotional factors are interconnected with students’ ability to learn. We embrace our responsibility to recognise and support students, who are at risk of not achieving their potential, to ensure that these students receive the care and support they need to fulfil their potential. We recognise that effective student support relies on the engagement of the whole school community.

Core Objectives

  • To identify students who have medical, personal, emotional, social or learning needs, which could put them at risk of not achieving their potential
  • To provide effective support for students in need of our services
  • To guide students toward academic, personal, emotional, social and career success, as principled, open-minded, caring and compassionate citizens, in a global society
  • To build communicative, collaborative and supportive relationships with students, respecting their right to express their views freely, in all matters affecting them, and understanding that students’ views are to be given due weight, in accordance with their age and level of maturity
  • To build communicative and collaborative relationships with parents, colleagues, other relevant community members and external care providers, as partners in our support of all students
  • To monitor students’ progress, in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of our services
  • To support colleagues, in the creation and implementation of differentiated curricula for students with a broad range of abilities, learning styles and needs
  • To provide colleagues with resources, strategies, and professional development, in order to encourage all students to become balanced, reflective, independent, inquiring, creative and critical thinkers

Core Values

  • We uphold children’s rights, in accordance with the UN “Convention on the Rights of the Child”
  • We recognise parents/guardians as partners, who need to be involved in decisions made about their children
  • We value all students and are sensitive to their unique gifts, qualities, skills and challenges

We uphold the principle of students being educated with their age peers, to foster their personal, social, emotional and cognitive development

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