The newly formed LIS Parent Association (PA) would like to welcome everyone to an exciting 2019/20!
This academic year sees the launch of the LIS Parent Association, whose main aim is to bring together the wider LIS community (parents, friends and families), providing a single contact point for us all to build a strong, cohesive community in support of the School, its staff and students.
The LIS PA is run by elected parents and key school decision makers who meet on a regular basis throughout the year. At these meetings, the committee consider how the school community can be brought together, discuss the fundraising events of the year and the allocation of these funds.
As a starting point, we are coordinating parent-led initiatives: School Garden, Welcome Committee, Cafeteria Project, SEN Group (Special Educational Needs) and LIS PA Events.
All parents are automatically members of the LIS PA and are warmly invited to our monthly meetings. Our first meeting is at 19:00 – 21:00 on Wednesday 11th September in the staff room (ground floor).
It is the first meeting of our newly elected Parent Association (PA)!
Any parent can play an active role in shaping our community. Any parent can volunteer as a PA Committee Leader to assume the organisational and promotional responsibilities for a specific PA event or activity. PA Committee Leaders will work with the Leadership Team as necessary to successfully implement the event or activity. So please join the meeting or volunteer to either run a committee or assist in a committee and support the LIS community!
We know parents are very busy people and we welcome any type of support that you can offer – that could be by emailing ideas and suggestions to us, through one-off volunteering, attending events or even leading a whole new initiative.
More information about us and how to get in touch will be available on the LIS website soon: LIS/Parent Community
We look forward to meeting or hearing from you!
Gitte Vogel-Sirin, Nicola
Edger and Babette Gaida
PA Leadership Team