World Bee Day is commemorated for the small, furry, striped insects. The honey bee, for example, is usually only associated with the production of honey. However, many people do not know that bees contribute to the preservation of our food chain and that we have them to thank for our food diversity. In addition, World Bee Day also aims to draw attention to the extinction of wild bees. The day is dedicated to the small farm animal to highlight the different types of bees.
Our school celebrated World Bee Day again this year. As proud lions we enthusiastically embrace our responsibility to make a positive impact on ourselves, each other, and the world – the world bee day is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill this value of LIS.
The World Bee Day at our school is an event organized by an enthusiastic team of students, teachers, educators and parents to raise donations for organizations in Leipzig who work for environmental issues.
It all started with a call within the third grade classes to design an event poster. Many beautiful posters were submitted. Beatrice and Seoyun as well as Matti won with their posters. Well done!

Gitte our school garden coordinator invited institutions such as NABU Leipzig, BUND Leipzig, the Natural History Museum Leipzig, KOLA Leipzig – Kooperative Landwirtschaft and the Initiative “Leipzig summt!” who all informed us about their work and the importance of environment protection at their wonderful hands-on stands. These activities raised our communities awareness of the important role of insects and drew attention to their dwindling populations. Grade one, the hort and the art department supported the event with beautiful, handmade decoration items. The school garden team set up their LIS Farmers Market and sold lots of homemade products, handmade accessories and homegrown plants. The Parents’ Association provided coffee, cake and lemonade.
And most important the whole event was rounded up by our talented Primary and Secondary students who put together a great musical programme on that fun afternoon.
As a community we were able to raise €830 which was donated to:
BUND Leipzig, Ökolöwe – Umweltbund Leipzig.eV., Initiative “Leipzig summt!” and Initiative “Leipzig pflanzt!”
We thank Gitte, our School Garden Coordinator, for bringing this initiative to life at our school!
We are lions!
We care for the bees!
We do it again in 2024!!