Fetching a Tree
Everyone is getting into a festive mood. The EY1 Raccoons went to get a Christmas tree for their classroom. The children were able to choose between a lot of different trees and picked a very nice one. After choosing the tree we of course had to pay for it and then we had to bring it all the way back to the school but good thing we had our wagon and some strong helpers who were holding on to the tree on the way back!
Christmas in the Magic Forest
All our kindergarten children had the chance to listen to a seasonal fairy tale last week.
Our wonderful educator Monika, from nursery, was transformed into a story teller and read a fairy tale she wrote herself to the children. Ms Dana, our music teacher, and Ms Pia, our sports teacher, accompanied the story musically. The reading took place in our sports room which was specially decorated for us. This story reading was a great experience for the kids who delved deep into the story of Christmas in a magic forest.
St Nikolaus at LIK
In Leipzig International Kindergarten our little ones have been enjoying the Nikolaus celebration. Ms Bea can be seen talking to the EY3 children about winter celebrations all over the world like Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and the Dōngzhì Festival. While the Bumblebees and Pixies went to meet Saint Nikolaus on the Canal. He has varied ways of traveling!!
Baking for our Christmas Parties
We get in the seasonal spirit and even our little ones help prepare wonderful Christmas biscuits. We had so much fun; and we are excited to get involved with the decorating. These lovely biscuits make great presents for our friends and family!