After celebrating Grade 12 graduation two weeks ago, we celebrated the end of the school year for our Early Years 3 classes last week week. For the oldest in our Kindergarten, this is a big milestone before moving on to Grade one at the Leipzig International School campus in the Könneritzstrasse.
Due to Corona regulations individual ceremonies were held for each class. The children crafted their own graduation hats and most of them got to wear a gown. Unfortunately, there were delays in delivery and the first group did not have that perk. None the less, the EY graduates all looked very proud as they were ushered onto the stage, got to introduce themselves, sing a song and receive their certificates from Ms Kjersti and their teachers.
The final touch was getting their Zuckertüten handed over to them, a traditional German rite of passage for children about to start school.
We wish our little learners all the best for this next step to big school and thank our educators, teachers and parents for putting together these wonderful celebrations.