The children of the Leipzig International Kindergarten had the chance to prove themselves in seven sport disciplines. The main focus was not on the results, but on introducing the little ones to sport in a playful way. The Saxon Sports Federation (Landessportbund Sachsen) offers an age-appropriate fitness test for kindergarten children: the Saxon Children’s Sports Badge (Sächsisches Kindersportabzeichen). It is designed to teach pre-school children the fun of exercise, to introduce them to sporting activities in a playful way and to encourage them to take part in sport on a regular basis.During sport and exercise lessons at Leipzig International Kindergarten over the past few weeks, the children completed seven stations: Standing long jump, target throwing, body bending, running, balancing, jumping and somersault. In addition to jumping strength, agility and speed, coordination skills, which are so important to develop in childhood, were required to complete the exercises.

According to different performance requirements, the individual exercises were differentiated in their performance and evaluation according to two age groups – three to four year olds and five to six or seven year olds. Pia Dietrich, the kindergarten’s sports teacher, was enthusiastic about the children’s commitment: “Especially at this time of year, it is even more important for the children to move and be active outdoors. Separated into the individual groups, we were able to carry out the different exercises in our outdoor sports and exercise lessons despite Covid.”
Finally, the time had come today – the little athletes from the kindergarten groups were awarded the children’s sports badge. The participating children received a certificate and the Saxon Children’s Sports Badge with the cute sports mouse Flizzy. On the certificate, the children – and thus also the parents – received feedback on each exercise based on a three-stage reward system. Flizzy, the mascot himself, presented the certificates and badges to the children. What a thrill!

A big thank you goes to the kindergarten’s sports teacher Mrs Dietrich, who is trained and certified by the Landessportbund Sachsen and who organised the whole event. Further thanks go to the Stadtsportbund Leipzig. The Saxon Children’s Sports Badge is offered throughout Saxony for all children and can only be taken between the ages of three and six or seven.