Physical activity is essential for our health and well being, while sporting activity (competitive or non-competitive) not only develops all manner of other characteristics but can just be great fun.
I am entering my third year of being a P.E. teacher and the Athletics Director at Leipzig International School. I have taught and coached at several international schools over the past 20 years including Egypt, Oman and Belgium. I am originally from the North-East of England and have been passionate about sport from a young age.

There are many sporting opportunities for your children at LIS, from PE lessons, after-school sports and CAS student coaching and events. On a competitive basis LIS is a full member of G.I.S.S.T. (German International School Sports Tournament). It allows small and middle-sized German International Schools to meet in specified sporting activities on a competitive basis using a tournament structure for each competition. Unfortunately, this has been hampered by the coronavirus pandemic over the past 18 months, but we’re hoping that this year we will be able to make a return to tournaments.
Last year I introduced several new sporting challenges for the whole school community, from virtual runs to hosting our own European Football Championships on the new AstroTurf behind the school, which proved to be very successful. I plan to build on these events and continue with them this school year, alongside the return of GISST events. It looks like it’s going to be a very exciting and active year for our students!
Gillian Allen