LIS hosted a Model United Nations (MUN) conference where students from LIS, Thuringia International School and Dresden International School participated in a United Nations simulation on Saturday, 28 January. Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. Our participating students had the opportunity to represent a country from whose perspective they had to draft and discuss resolutions on two important issues in the world today:
1. Steps towards building a common roadmap towards a world without nuclear weapons.
2. Upholding the human rights of people displaced by climate change.
In order to prepare our students for successful participation in a larger conference in Spring, a mini MUN conference was organised here at LIS. Big conferences can be really overwhelming for MUN newcomers. The committees are large and the debates are usually at a high level. It was important for us to show the participating students what debating in a more formal, conference-like setting means.

Voices from our students:
Oscar, Gr. 10: “I thought the conference was very well done. I learned how to put myself in the shoes of different people to get their point of view. Among other things, I learned how the Indian government thinks about the climate crisis and how they stand on the issue of nuclear transition. All in all, it was a great experience and I am very happy to have the opportunity to do something similar. The conference was a success because all the participants improved a lot during the debate and everyone had a great time at the conference. According to the feedback from the other participating schools, they definitely enjoyed it as well.”
Meerab, Gr. 10: “I had the experience of chairing the MUN debate, which means leading the debate and asking people to speak or answer questions. It was not only a great experience for me, but also for the other students and schools that participated. I could see how my classmates improved and how confident they appeared at the end of the debate. It was a great opportunity to meet and get to know new friends and generally get closer to my peers. Personally, I learned that chairing is not just words and games, but that there is more to it and that I would much rather be a delegate, that is, a person representing a country at the debate. My reason is that it’s easier to research and I can decide for myself if I want to speak, whereas as a chair I really can’t make a mistake because it would look unprofessional!”
This mini MUN conference was a very successful and fruitful conference for all the participants. We would like to thank the organisers, especially Ms Den Dekker, and everyone who helped with this event for such a wonderful experience.

Interesting facts:
What is MUN (Model United Nations)?
“Model United Nations” or MUN is an extracurricular activity in which students usually take on the role of delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees. Students represent a country, usually not their own, in a UN committee and debate an international issue. This activity takes place at MUN conferences, usually organised by a MUN club at a high school, an international school or college.
What are the goals of a MUN conference?
Model United Nations are a series of programmes held across the country and around the world that aim to promote understanding of the United Nations, educate participants about global issues, and promote peace and the work of the United Nations through cooperation and diplomacy.
Who can participate in MUN?
Criteria for participation:
Age: Applicants/nominees (individuals or groups) must be between 14 and 40 years old (or older).
Level: They can be students, graduates or professionals.
Why MUN?
MUN has many benefits combined in a single activity. From skill development to international recognition, it improves public speaking, negotiation and also presentation skills. It also raises awareness of international affairs and diplomacy, develops teamwork, leadership and drafting skills. MUN offers the opportunity to develop conference organisation and management skills.
Students have the opportunity to think and learn from a new perspective, meet people from all over the world and make global friends. They also have the opportunity to visit new cities and countries and represent their own country.