Speech by the top student, Sanjana, who gained A* in all nine of her subjects.
Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great holiday.
I would firstly like to thank the school and Ms Schleif for giving me this great opportunity to talk about our IGCSE journey. Well, two long years passed in a very short time and we all survived and accomplished a milestone, with the last school year being especially extraordinary. From the start of the pandemic to the cancellation of the exams, every stage has taught us something. In my opinion, every single one of us here has not only learnt the IGCSE program but has actually experienced it in real life due to the pandemic, which has enhanced our understanding to a great extent. For example, the coronavirus pandemic started off as an epidemic and eventually turned into a pandemic. We studied this in geography and biology, but then we actually had a chance to experience its impact at various stages. Not only that, but also, we could see how statistics and simulation, that we learnt in maths were applied in real life by watching the news of the exponential growth of Covid cases. So, we correlated very easily what we studied in IGCSE to real life.
Class of 2020 IGCSE results
45.2% A* – A
69.9% A* – B
95.6% A* – C
*Seven students gained all A*s and A’s
Furthermore, one of the highlights of the whole IGCSE experience was probably the online learning. Even with all the wifi problems and microphones not working, distance learning did teach us a lot about time management and being disciplined. And most of all, we did get a lot of work done at this phase. I don’t think I would be wrong to say that our school managed the distance learning really well and this would not have happened without the determination and the amount of hard work that the teachers put into this, making sure that these unprecedented situations do not interrupt our learning. On behalf of all the students, I would really like to thank all of our teachers for making the IGCSE program so compelling and making distance learning really succeed.
All in all, this two-year journey has been extremely special and has taught us a lot about life.
Moreover, I think we are some of the very few people in history who can actually say that we got not one but two different IGCSE final results, that too without writing any exams.
Once again, congratulations to everyone here for achieving such great results and I am sure that this great work will continue in our IB years as well.