Parent Association (PA)

As a proud and inclusive learning community we enthusiastically embrace our responsibility to make a positive impact on ourselves, our community and the world. Our parent volunteers play a very important role in our school life: with our varied talents and interests, every single contribution can go a long way to enriching our children’s school experience.

“All learners do better when parents are actively engaged in school life”. We exist to come together, as a committed parent network, to support the greater mission of Leipzig International School.

PA Leadership Team

The Parent Association is led by the PA Leadership Team consistent of our four elected Parent Representatives from Kindergarten, Primary and Middle School and Upper School.

The meetings are held regularly to bring together various initiatives to build the community. Parents of all backgrounds are welcomed to join the meetings, even if they are not actively part of any PA group. In this way, they can facilitate communication and cooperation.

Photo from left to right:  Sebastian Lehnert (Kindergarten), Genevieve Serfontein (Upper School), Jana Giesting (Primary School) and Andrew Niven (Middle School & Chairperson).

LIS Connect

LIS Connect is our network that represents the diversity of industries within the LIS community, e.g. real estate development, aviation, investment, research, automation, architecture and that promotes parent engagement at LIS.

In addition, it is a focal point for supporting the Beyond LIS career programme and provides insight into the business world of parents at LIS. LIS Connect supports students in finding internships, work placements and summer jobs.

Driving Parent Engagement

If you have children enrolled at the school you are automatically a member of the Parent Association (PA), so any parent can volunteer to support our PA. Together we pool our diverse resources to enhance our children’s educational experience.

  • Fundraising and supporting school events
  • Being a voice of the parents to the school
  • Benefit from a positive home-school relationship

Join the PA

We invite you to approach a member of our leadership team for more information. You can also send us a message at